The Poem as Visceral App

Rob Foster of Mysterious Trousers—a software outfit (ha) that makes, among other things, Calvetica—a pretty good calendar app for your iPhone—has written this manifesto theorizing on how to design apps move your body to respond pleasurably (a poetic in and of itself) by engineering visceral feedback. This is pretty good figurative guidance for any artist:

So here’s my theory: I believe that introducing visceral elements into an app will take it past the point of just being awesome. It will make your app speak to the subconscious, built-in affinity that humans have for the physical properties I mentioned before. I believe that even if you designed the most perfect and useful app possible, that the act of adding in these visceral elements will make people love your app on an even deeper level.

Let me put it another way:

I believe when properly done, a visceral app actually causes your body to release endorphins. I’ve heard people describe certain apps as being “alive” and I think this is precisely what they meant. Potential and kinetic. Build-up and release.