Coffee Saves But Beer Inspires

New studies are discovering, although not really explaining, the life-extending properties of coffee. The results of one longterm study:

But men who reported drinking two or three cups of coffee a day were 10 percent less likely to have died than those who didn’t drink coffee, while women drinking the same amount had 13 percent less risk of dying during the study.

While you’re at the business of living longer, and if you’re feeling creative, Mikael Cho takes on the question of whether beer or coffee is the better choice. He of course comes down to the conclusion that it’s both, that each work differently to grease different parts of the process.

Beer for the idea: The best time to have a beer (or two) would be when you’re searching for an initial idea. Because alcohol helps decrease your working memory (making you feel relaxed and less worried about what’s going on around you), you’ll have more brain power dedicated to making deeper connections.

Coffee for the execution: If you’ve already got an idea or an outline of where you want to go with your project, a cup of coffee would do wonders compared to having a beer to execute on your idea. The general consensus across caffeine studies is that it can increase quality and performance if the task you are doing seems easy and doesn’t require too much abstract thinking.