The Poetry Assessor Will Assess Your Poem

New and interesting algorithmic tool that evaluates and scores the quality of contemporary poems developed by Michael Dalvean. Better than the Pritchard Scale, to be sure. His write-up on the research is here (PDF).

The upshot of identifying the characteristics of high quality poems is that we can then come up with a means of placing poems on a continuum according to how much a poem exemplifies the characteristics of an amateur poem or, at the other extreme, a professional poem. We can then use this continuum to rank professional poems and, in doing so, we can make some objective statements about which poems are “better”. There is a tradition of considering some poets as “minor” and others as “major” (Eliot, 1946). Placing poems on a continuum that is based on the extent to which poems possess the craftsmanship of a professional may be a step towards explaining why some poets are “greater” than others. Thus, an important element of this paper is the creation of such a continuum using a corpus of contemporary American poets.