Miguel de Unamuno

Like eternity of time, silence of sound, and oblivion of memory, so is peace the substance of war. To preach prudence is to preach death, in the majority of cases; to combat the madness of the dream life is to undermine heroism. Grasp the fact that you are the world, and strive to save it so that you may save yourself. The world is your world, your world is you, though not the the egotist’s I, but the man. Within the world, my world, which is me, I am one of so many others.
If we give ourselves up to quixotic madness we may, in moments of sane contemplation, sanctify the most awful and bone-deep weariness and discouragement, so that one day, when our fortunes are mended and our judgment sounder, we may behold immortality, which is conquered by force of feats and travail. We must always let ourselves be guided by the peerless Dulcinea, who is the star leading us to the eternity of effort.

— “Quixotism”