Rainbows of Vengeance, Rainbows of Delight

That the hatemongers of a group that doesn’t deserve the dignity of me typing their name are blaming the Oklahoma tornado on Kevin Durant’s support of Jason Collins is, in its unnatural stupidity, the most unsurprising thing to come out of this natural disaster. These people are the definition of foolish consistency, and they are certainly small-minded hobgoblins, too, who don’t know shit about supercells. Kevin Durant donated a million dollars to the Red Cross, which is sure to please the heavens.

  • Here’s the real rainbow that appeared after the storm.
  • Speaking of rainbows, here’s the lady whose missing dog is found mid-interview. The dog makes its miraculous appearance at 1:33, but as far as elderly-tornado-survival interviews go, this one is classic. My favorite line comes in response to a question about whether she comprehends what has occurred here, as they survey the rubble. She says: “I know exactly what happened here. Exactly.”

And in honor of the passing of Ray Manzarek, The Doors’ Hammond organ player, here’s Jimmy Fallon, as Jim Morrison, covering “Reading Rainbow.” Not sure who the Manzarek impersonator is.