Type Here

Maybe the most essential state for a writer, among the several states we might beneficently inhabit, is to be immersed in the language, and you know you’re doing it right when you dream in texts, or start encountering a lot of weird coincidences, where say for example you are writing a short story while in a meeting, or while listening to a YouTube video, and someone says a word just as you’re writing or revising it (sometimes a divided consciousness serves as affirmation of its unity).

So here are four text-and-type related things to check-out, at your letterholic leisure

*iABC, by Oliver Reichenstein

The idea: Look at the history, shape and sound pattern of each letter, sum it up in 140 characters, and collect a beautiful specimen for each letter.

My favorite: Screen Shot 2013-05-08 at 12.44.44 PM

*A history of typography, done in paper animation