The National

Like most people, I love discovering new things—writers, films, bands, chocolate chip cookies—but how did I miss The National? Where have I been? I’ve been here all along, I think, and probably not busy enough to warrant my ignorance. Pouring over the work of a popular band which has existed in your blind spot isn’t quite the pleasure of being the first to check out a ten-year-old book from the library, but it’s close. One can’t attend to everything I guess.

One doesn’t discover The National without discovering the filmmaker Vincent Moon, who is known for his Take Away Shows—his idiosyncratic form of live music video—and who made a feature length film of the band, A Skin, A Night. Here is his Take Away for The National, which I guess caused a splash and was a breakout for the both of them.

And here’s a live performance of “Anyone’s Ghost” featuring Sufjan Stevens and Richard Reed Parry. Their new album, Trouble Will Find Me drops on May 21.